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EdSource | Commentary: Academic rigor versus cultural relevance is a false choice

Original EdSource article found here.

COMMENTARY | Black Student Success
By Chris Carr
Executive Director, Aspire Los Angeles

In the current era of education culture wars — banning books, monitoring curriculum, adjusting school policies — supporting students in a culturally sensitive, relationship-focused way is sometimes presented as being in conflict with maintaining academic rigor.

But balancing these approaches is more important than ever as our schools continue to rebound from pandemic-related learning loss coupled with the ongoing social-emotional needs of students. We should not have to prioritize one approach over the other: academic rigor, or supporting students’ social-emotional needs through culturally relevant teaching and experiences. Individually, each approach falls short in providing all students with the support they require for a successful future. By reframing them as mutually reinforcing rather than mutually exclusive, we have the potential to significantly transform education for every child.

Culturally relevant teaching is the conduit to academic success, and rigorous instruction is effective when grounded in culturally relevant teaching. To support our students, we must equip them with the tools for empowerment while also working to create inclusive educational environments that foster support.

In practice, this means everything from ensuring our teachers and staff reflect the demographic makeup of our students, to examining the resources and professional development we bring into our schools to make sure all our students’ needs are met. It means having data-driven conversations, grounded in equity, about how we are serving our most marginalized students.

As a school leader at Aspire Public Schools in Los Angeles, we knew some of our most vulnerable students were those who were chronically absent. Diving into the data, we discovered that many of our students missed school around three-day weekends and holidays. As a part of the implementation of our positive behavioral and intervention support (PBIS) framework, we focused on timing school celebrations and family engagement activities before and after three-day weekends and holidays so that students wouldn’t want to miss out on the fun.  Additionally, teachers reach out to families of absent students to provide a more personal touch and communicate the positive impact their child has in their classroom community when they are at school. The early results of implementing this PBIS approach are showing promise in reducing absenteeism, with a year-over-year decrease in chronic absenteeism rates across our 11 Los Angeles schools.

A data-driven approach grounded in equity can also help serve special education students. For example, at one of our schools, students in special education demonstrated notable progress in math, surpassing the growth rates in math seen among their peers in general education, both in LAUSD and statewide. The schools took a different approach to intervention than they had in the past. Previously, students with individual education plans (IEPs), which are required for all students in special education, were not included in math interventions — an additional 20-minute small-group math instruction during the school day. Last year, students with IEPs participated in these math interventions along with general education students. This additional intervention, combined with regular “teach back” sessions during which teachers practice delivering content to their peers, gathering feedback and strengthening their practice, yielded positive results among our special education learners.

Developing partnerships to incorporate Afrocentric and LGBTQ+ curriculum and resources can also make an impact. This has included everything from the establishment of several Black student union chapters to a Black families advisory council, where families meet quarterly to discuss Black educational content and curricula. I can say firsthand that we’re seeing these partnerships show promising results: Participants in Black student union programs experienced an average reduction of eight days in absenteeism compared to the previous year. Plans are also underway to pilot an LGBTQ+ course that aligns with state A-G standards (courses required for admission in California public universities). Lastly, dedicating resources to cultivate a pipeline of Black educators is critical to establishing a more diverse teaching staff.

To deliver on the promise of excellent education for every child, it is time to chart a path that is both rigorous and culturally relevant. This is how we deliver on the promise of an education model that serves all students.


Chris Carr is the executive director for the Los Angeles region of Aspire Public Schools, a nonprofit charter management organization.

The opinions expressed in this commentary represent those of the author. EdSource welcomes commentaries representing diverse points of view. If you would like to submit a commentary, please review our guidelines and contact us.

Educator’s view: 4 ways to close the growing gap between Hispanic student enrollment and Hispanic school leaders

Original LA School Report article found here.

By Jocelyn Ayala | Aspire Inskeep Academy Principal

When I was young, I didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I came to the United States from El Salvador when I was five years old, and while my mom and I liked to dream, we were more focused on meeting our day-to-day needs than what the future may hold.

It was not until I began attending CSUDH that I was called to find a career where I could have a positive impact on young people from my community. See, I grew up in South Gate California, not very far from where my school site is located. My school is located in South Central Los Angeles, a beautiful, vibrant, mainly Latino neighborhood that continues to struggle with challenges of poverty, trauma and violence.

Ten years ago, I found an advertisement for an Instructional Aide at Aspire Public Schools. I soon began my journey at Aspire Inskeep Academy, a kindergarten through eighth-grade public school in my community, and I jumped at the opportunity. To say that responding to that job post was one of the best things I ever did would be an understatement. It set me on a trajectory that would change my life, and through my work, have a positive impact on hundreds of students and families from the community that raised me.

During my tenure at Inskeep, my school leader recognized my potential and supported me as I earned my Master’s Degree in School Leadership. Ten years later, I am proud to be a first-year principal at the very school that helped me realize dreams I didn’t even know I had. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunities granted to me, but as a Latina, I still worry that our students do not see enough positive Latino role models who can help them chart a path to a successful future.

To recruit and retain leaders of color who reflect their school community, schools must do more than just name this as a priority. They must put real resources and action behind this intention. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve identified four lessons that will help develop educational leaders of color:

Recruit from within your community: Coming to Inskeep felt like home for me. I instantly recognized the cultural traditions and values observed by many of my students, families, and teammates. Finding connection with my students and families sustains me to this day, but it’s more than just energizing for me. It creates a sense of belonging that has a positive impact on student performance, attendance, and engagement. I’ve made it a priority to find school staff – from custodial staff to instructional aids to front office administrators – that reflect the community we serve. Parents and guardians are a great place to start. You never know who might have the potential to become the next school leader.

Create a culture of mentorship: I was fortunate that my school leader recognized my potential early on and gave me opportunities to advance my education and grow my skills. I hope to pay that mentorship forward now that I’m a school leader. But mentorship doesn’t only have to come from the top. At Inskeep, I have cultivated mentors at all levels of our school – from the front office teammates to our most veteran teachers. The purpose of creating mentorship opportunities is twofold: it benefits the mentee by having someone invested in their career and personal development; and the mentor deepens their connection to the school community. When possible, we pair mentees with someone who shares a similar background and potential career trajectory as them.

Model an environment where growth is prioritized: At any given time at Inskeep, you will often find multiple adults in a classroom. It could be a master teacher mentoring teacher residents and student teachers. Or that same master teacher might spend a day shadowing an assistant principal to learn more about administrative leadership. Seeing these opportunities reminds our team that we want you to stay and grow at our school, and that growth doesn’t only mean you develop into a school administrator. There are innumerable ways to professionally grow and deepen your impact on our school community.

Clear barriers to professional growth: One of the biggest hurdles to advancement, especially for adults in my community, is financial. Obtaining needed degrees, credentials, or certifications can be cost prohibitive for budding leaders who may not have the resources to afford them, or are unable to give up income so they can attend classes. Identifying partners that understand these challenges and design programs around them will ensure more people can deepen their impact on our school without sacrificing financially. At Aspire, we partner with alternative certification programs – including the Alder Graduate School of Education andCal State Dominguez Hills, among others – to develop teachers and leaders by building their skills while continuing to earn income to support their family.

Leadership means more than just running a successful school; it is about creating a culture of growth and development — a place where people can discover their potential and have the space to nurture it. I am proud of my ten years of growth and development at Inskeep; now it’s my turn to continue that legacy.

Jocelyn Ayala is the principal of Aspire Inskeep Academy in Los Angeles. Over the past decade, she has also served as assistant principal, school administrator, master teacher and instructional aide. A native of El Salvador, Jocelyn Ayala migrated to Los Angeles when she was six years old. She went on to receive her B.A. and master’s in education from Cal State Dominguez Hills.

Breaking barriers, building learning communities with Lena Anthony

By Marilu Aguilar-Moreno
from Aspire’s Talent Team

A new academic year is in full swing and teammate spotlights are back with stories about the amazing people that bring our core values to life. To kick us off, Lena Anthony, Director of the Aspire Teacher Residency Program (ATR) for the Bay Area at  Alder GSE

Although she grew up in a family with many educators, Ms. Anthony didn’t immediately choose to be one herself. Her sights were set on becoming a lawyer, but the meaningful moments as a classroom volunteer led her to a dual master’s program at UCLA, where she studied African American Studies and earned her teaching credential. 

After a series of calculated risks, Ms. Anthony found herself in the Bay Area (Oakland, CA), where she joined the leadership team at Aspire College Academy in 2016 as a principal resident. She later became an assistant principal, and in that role, Ms. Anthony led the vision to develop a comprehensive behavioral health program along with a team of school leaders and mental health counselors. The program flourished shortly after its implementation due to finely tuned data protocols that captured root causes of behavior, as well as professional development that equipped teachers and staff with trauma-informed tools to meet students where they were. She credited her team at ACA for the success of the behavioral health program. She said, “We did a great job. Our teachers were amazing. There were hard days, and it took a lot of team collaboration to overcome those.”

Ms. Anthony graciously reflected on her career journey, her learnings along the way, and what keeps her grounded as a leader and mentor. 

Lena Anthony - headshot

Can you walk me through your career trajectory? How did you become an educator?
I actually majored in pre-law and was on track to be a lawyer. I was working at a law office and had applied to law school, but at the same time, I was still volunteering at school sites. Many people in my family are educators, so growing up, I was working in their classrooms and I just felt safe. I had fun and enjoyed it so much that I started volunteering at The Accelerated School in Los Angeles, teaching an Ethnic Studies class after school and I loved being with kids as they understood their culture and identity. Realizing this was something I wanted to do, I waived my law school options to attend a dual master’s program at UCLA. I then worked at LA Unified as a teacher to start out and then moved to San Fernando Valley, where I worked as a  literacy coach, supporting teachers with instructional delivery. 

After that, I took a leap of faith and left the school district to travel all over the country as a consultant and instructional coach – I did that for about six years and I loved it. The goals were to ensure that students were engaged and to support teachers in designing lessons anchored in core standards. Six years of traveling began to take a toll, so I took another leap of faith and moved to Oakland for a principal residency at Aspire. While it wasn’t my dream to become a principal, it was important to me to understand what it meant to run a school. Because I always wanted to support new teachers within a teacher preparation program, I needed to understand the systems and structures from a school leader’s perspective. Once I felt prepared, I stepped into my current director role at Alder, but the weird thing is that I started in the midst of the pandemic. 

Of course! What systems/structures have helped you manage or adapt to the “new normal”?
I think my background in administration has enabled me to be a strong director. As an assistant principal, I understood the power of relationships and defining clear expectations to support new teachers. With the ongoing pandemic, it’s not just about checking boxes, it’s about taking the time to cultivate relationships, getting to know our new teachers, and identifying what barriers and challenges might contribute to turnover. Reflecting on my previous experience has helped me frame how I am setting up support systems for my residents to succeed. This is the first class that did pretty much all of their teachings online, and operating from an asset-based perspective helped knock down a lot of the barriers brought about by the pandemic. For example, where the residents might feel uncomfortable with building out a balanced student community in the classroom, they may have stronger expertise in planning and implementing engaging instruction online. 

I want to pivot a bit. What change do you want to see in education and how is Aspire addressing those needs?
I definitely feel like Aspire is on the right track with the equity focus. As schools transitioned to distance learning, a lot of systemic inequities revealed themselves. Access is a big focus for me. I hope that the education system shifts to a better understanding of what students have or don’t have access to be successful – it’s about race and it’s also about socioeconomic status. It’s important to consider intersectional experiences when building structures to support students’ needs. I’ve been in education for 21 years and I believe Aspire is the closest thing I’ve seen to where they’re putting action to the word and I want to see us maintain conversations, continue building out resources, and remaining transparent with families, especially when the intensity of the work sets in.

Decorative quote pulled from blog post.

Speaking of intense work, how do you stay grounded and make sure that you’re well?
I’m working on that. I’ve been trying to get out of perfectionism because I’ve held myself to that, and at times I’ve held my team to that, which contributed to burnout. I’ve heard of this term, connected care, which defines the impact we have on others when we take care of ourselves, and that got me to think about self-care more intentionally. Being an administrator at ACA, I had to adjust to being okay with not having all the answers and to seek my own support systems because I was good at encouraging my staff and teammates to take care of themselves, but I wasn’t doing the same.

For example, if you’re in an airplane and need your oxygen mask, how can you help others, if you don’t have your mask on first? So, having therapy supports, setting reasonable boundaries, and finding the time to rest have helped me navigate. You still have to think about impact, however. Your boundary can’t be to shut down at 3 pm if everyone else is still operating until 5 o’clock. You really have to set a tone of clear expectations, while keeping impact top of mind and follow through. 

Lena Anthony said that she looks forward to upholding the legacy of the Aspire Teacher Residency program and ensuring that Aspire schools are able to cultivate effective educators who want to serve our schools and communities and who are prepared and supported to implement high expectations, equitable practices, and culturally responsive pedagogy. She elaborated, “I want ATR to flourish as a pipeline for teachers, especially teachers of color that represent our communities, so that they can remain in our schools long-term. I know that it takes consistency in wrapping around the whole adult and that will remain my priority every year in this role as a Director.” 

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